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5 Best Books for Personality Development of All Times

5 Best Books for Personality Development of All Times

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads – Ralph Waldo Emerson. All great people are, if not great, then good readers. Reading gives them the required knowledge that is crucial to hone their skills. So, to develop your personality, it is imperative that you read any and all kinds of books! The question is, where do you start? To answer this question, we have listed the 5 Best Books for Personality Development. Which we hope are helpful to get you started. So, let us begin without further ado.

1. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen 

First published in 1903, As a Man, Thinketh describes how changing a person’s thoughts can change their lives. And how it helps them grow. We perform to the rhythm of our own thoughts. And our reality is directly shaped by our thoughts and the resulting behavior. 

As part of the New Thought Movement, Allen instructs individuals to embrace and channel their thoughts in positive ways, thereby bringing more joy to their lives. Allen emphasizes the significance of cultivating proper attitudes toward thought to understand how it governs our lives and serves greater, valid purposes.

2. The Power of Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Dr. Joseph Murphy explains the events that take place in our lives are controlled by our conscious and subconscious minds. He highlights helpful strategies that can help you change your destiny, specifically by focusing on and directing your mystical power.

Years of research studying some of the most significant religions in the world lead him to the conclusion that behind all life on Earth there is a Great Power at work and that this Power is within every one of us. One of the top books for personality development, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind will lead to ultimate success, happiness, and peace for you.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Normal Peale

In this bestseller, Dr. Peale highlights the significance of having faith and belief in your acts and deeds. The core concepts can be summed up in a few points:

  • Expect the best results and achieve them
  • Cultivate and nurture your ability to attain the best results
  • Break free from the habit of constant worrying and try to enjoy a relaxed pace of life
  • Work on your personal as well as professional relationships
  • Have control over your life and situations
  • Above and beyond all, be kind to yourself.

These are tips that help you believe in your actions so that you can boost yourself up and carry yourself with the momentum needed to fulfill your ambitions and hopes.

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.Covey

A top book for personality growth, this presents an integrated, holistic, principle-centered methodology for solving problems in personal and professional spheres. With incisive insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey lays out a step-by-step path for life and living in harmony with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity principles that provide security as you adapt to the changes and the power to take advantage of the opportunities that such changes bring forth.

5. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

This brilliant book by the Stanford University psychologist shows the power that a change in your mindset can yield in the outcomes of all your endeavors. People with a fixed mindset think about abilities being fixed, while those with a growth-oriented mindset believe skills can be developed. This way of thinking helps people act brilliantly in all facets of life, from parenting to teaching to management.

As we come to the end of this short post on the best books to read for personality development, we’d like to remind you that it is not an overnight thing nor does it look the same for everyone.  Reading is crucial for personal growth but an individual’s skills and position in life matter a lot which is why here at VCANXL, we have expert trainers who will ensure the best course for individual growth and development needed for living on foreign soil. 

Visit our website for more information.

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